Statenkwartier Christmas goodness

I just went for a Sunday morning walk and saw things around the Statenkwartier that made my heart explode. Now, the Fred blows me away every time. It’s so sparkly, full of good energy and it even smells like Christmas.

Written by: Alice Ramsay

It gives me a bit of the “I’m-in-a-glam-Christmas-movie” feeling. But what got me today was different, something quieter yet just as powerful, and I am not sure I can even name it yet.

So what did I see? I saw the Gemeente Museum Christmas tree patiently sleeping on the footpath. I saw a thousand creative ways to attach a Christmas wreath to a front door. I saw holly berries (I’m Australian, holly is still v exotic for me). I saw Christmas stickers randomly put up on front windows with the flair only a child can muster. And I saw this footpath bench that literally made me stop and take a moment. Someone took the time to let their Christmas creativity rip for all of us to enjoy. It’s even got fairy lights! I think I’m going to have to loop back in evening hours…

And all this in a 20 minute wander. I got a big Statenkwartier Christmas hug from the generosity of spirit I saw and felt as I wandered. Yes, generosity of spirit, that’s what it is. That’s what I felt and I’m so grateful.

Let’s keep an eye out together for more of it and soak it up in these big days leading up to Christmas. It’ll be fun.

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